No Parking Plan Here


This picture was taken Saturday on Waterway Blvd.  This is the bike path all the kids use to go to the marina to get ice cream.

The warming weather will soon lead to the path being occupied for blocks.  Somehow, after 6 years of study, City Council just could not figure out what to do about overflow parking at the marina.

Now, of course, none of this overflow parking is from vehicles and trailers of IOP residents.  Residents, Shchmedisents!  Gotta take care of all those who don’t live here first.  More on this idea in a post to follow.

52nd Avenue’s Wish is Granted


If you enlarge the above picture and look closely you will see that IOP has partially granted the wishes of the citizens of 52nd Avenue, citizens who seem to have aspired to forming their own city.  (See the previous post on their lawsuit with the City of IOP.)

No daytripper (aka The Unwashed Masses) parking is permitted on the street.  At least during the busy summer hours.  Residents with a proper rear window decal will be permitted to park in the easement, but my best guess is that if anyone tries this, you will see more fiberglass poles placed in the easement to prevent parking.  For the record, this is much less expensive and environmentally friendly than the “Jim Owens Method.”

This is where you run your sprinkler all day to keep the cars out the easement.  He had the sprinkler going this past weekend.  Despite my distaste for the tactic, I have to give him this:  It works great!  He is not the Mayor of Palm Blvd for nothing.

The Perfect is the Enemy of the Good


As I am sure you have noticed, the island is now populated by more litter on a stick.  This sign can be found on every street corner on the island.

And you know what?  I’m ok with it.  Council just spent 6 years coming up with a parking plan.  Six Years!  Why did it take so long?  Because they truly were trying to find the Holy Grail.  That is, a plan that would work and that would not offend anyone.  If you think this is easy, you need to run for office.

And all the complaining you are now hearing about the signs is exactly why no one runs for office.  The last 2 elections have been uncontested.  Despite the huge amount of hard work council put into this, a vocal minority wants to find the one perceived problem and pile on.

Remember, this plan is not carved in stone.  What many many people said about parking was, “Just do something, anything.  If there are problems, changes can be made.”  Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Well, Sandy “Fiscal” Ferencz started to complain about all the signs.  She was able to lure Jimmy Ward and JimDaddy Carroll onto her cause.  So, at this point the plan is all set and ready to go.  And, oh yes, already paid for.

But wait, what about all these signs?  Well, they have been in the plan all along.  But if you read councilmembers’ comments in the newspaper and on social media they seem to claim they did not know there would be so many signs.  Mayor Cronin told them the plans have been available all along.  Hmmm.  So, let me get this straight.  Council does not even know what is going on.  Is it any wonder that the average citizen is totally in the dark?

See my earlier postings on the non-transparency of city government and how it could easily be fixed.

But, back to the issue at hand.  Someone got the brilliant idea of starting a petition drive to get the signs removed.  By methods unbeknownst to me, JimDaddy nabbed Jeff Evans, and got him to go door to door.  JimDaddy took the easier route and said if you were interested in signing the petition he had a copy in his office!

Having been involved in a huge petition drive I can tell you this:  If the signer has to come to you, you ain’t gonna get many signatures!  To mount a successful petition drive requires a large number of committed people and a lot of time.

All of which tells me this drive is going nowhere and it is probably already over.  Which is good.  If you are going to put effort into a petition drive you need to make sure it is for something really important, like monster mini-hotels taking over the island in the areas zoned for residential living.

A petition drive to get some signs removed is just not worth the effort.  And as Mayor Cronin noted, if it proves the signs are too much or not necessary, council can look at taking them down.

Thank goodness for the adult, clear thinker in the room.

IOP Parking Garage

The Post and Courier reported this week that IOP has been approached by an out of state company interested in possibly building a parking garage for beach visitors.

Any mention of a parking garage in the past has been dismissed in a nanosecond by virtually every resident of the IOP.

But think about this for 2 nanoseconds:  Would you be in favor of such a building if it eliminated all other daytripper parking on the island?

I don’t know if that is feasible, lawful, whatever.  But if it could be done, well, what would you think then?

IOP Parking Expo


IOP held a very informative expo at the Rec Center on Dec 3.  City administration was present to answer questions as was our city attorney.  Most of the city councilmembers were there and available for chatting.  A shout out to Councilmember Bettelli who backed parking on the “sacred” Ocean Blvd.

Look at the map below:


Streets in red are for beach parking by anyone.  Streets in green require a residential permit to park in the easement.

But, look closely.  There are some streets that are white.  For example, a good long stretch of Waterway leading up to the marina.  Who can park there?


The IOP Marina, bought and paid for by the citizens of IOP needs to make sure they have tons of parking to service all those people who do not live here.

Not only does a property we bought and own charge us to launch our boats, they actively encourage off island residents to come here and generate more traffic.

It just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  How about you?

IOP Parking Plan Unveiling

The city will unveil the new parking plan on Thursday, Dec 3 at 5:30 pm at the Rec Center.

Will questions from the audience be taken and answered?

If yes, will someone ask why and when Ocean Blvd had sacred status bestowed on it?

If there is only parking permitted on the cross streets to Ocean Blvd, why can’t the same thing be done on Palm Blvd?  A simple question that has never been answered.

Ocean Blvd Source Document

Ocean Blvd source document

Open the above PDF file and you will find the document created by the Beach Company when they sold the lots on the ocean side of Ocean Blvd.

Several interesting things stand out, at least to this non-lawyer.  The document seems to indicate that the Beach Company owns the 10 foot easement on the side of the street.  They also own the paths that lead to the ocean.

It is for this reason they think they can prevent cars from parking on the side of the road.  It would be interesting to see what the city attorney has to say about this.

OK, fine.  Then let cars park on the landward side of the road.  There is little traffic on that street so it is not a big deal to cross it as compared to Palm Blvd.

Of course, the Ocean Blvd homeowners or the Beach Company may still threaten a lawsuit and the history of the city is to become a shrinking violet whenever a lawsuit is threatened.  Thus we see Plan C that has parking only on the side streets perpendicular to Ocean Blvd.

Because this will dramatically shrink the number of parking places on this end of the island, these cars will do what?  Pay to park in the crappy city lot?  Not a chance!  They will move up the island to Palm Blvd and congestion there will be even worse.

Why is City Council so concerned about the residents on the Breach Inlet end of the island and not at all about Wild Dunes?

If side street parking is good enough for the Ocean Blvd area why can’t the same thing be done for Palm Blvd?  No parking on Palm Blvd and the side streets are open for parking back to Cameron or Hartnett.  This would satisfy the beach management plan and relieve congestion on Palm Blvd.

One last interesting point.  The document says homeowners are forbidden from putting anything in the 10 feet easement.  But as you may have guessed, this is pretty much ignored.

Parking Plan C – Moving in the Right Direction, but Still Not There

By now you have probably read about “Parking Plan C” in the newspaper.  After 6 six years of intense planning and soul searching, city council has started to move in the right direction, albeit to begin a year from now.

To recap, Plan C permits free daytripper parking from 3rd to 9th Avenues on the sidestreets between Ocean and Carolina Boulevards.  It also permits free parking on all of Palm Blvd.

Several observations immediately come to mind:

This is good news for the folks at the lower end of the IOP where congestion has been a nightmare.

Ocean Blvd will continue to keep its Sacred Status.

So, where are all those cars that previously parked on the lower end of the island going to go?  We already know they don’t want to pay to park, that is why they are not parking in our “beautiful” city lot.  Yep, you guessed right.  They will go up the island to Palm Blvd.

Every bit of space on Palm Blvd will soon by filled.  It will be massive gridlock.  What did Wild Dunes and the middle section of the island do to deserve this treatment from city council?

Since parking on side streets is just fine for the lower third of the island, why isn’t it fine for Palm Blvd?  This would dramatically decrease the congestion and still keep the city in compliance with the Beachfront Management Plan.

But daytrippers and their children would still have to cross Palm Blvd where the speed limit is 35 mph.  So why not do the logical thing and permit parallel parking only on the ocean side of Palm Blvd up to 41st Avenue and then on the other side of the street to the end of Palm Blvd?

One of the busiest areas of the island is Wild Dunes with all of its condos.  You know, folks who come to vacation here and actually pay their way and contribute money to the city’s coffers.  Why must we so inconvenience these people who, as JimDaddy always says, “pay to support our lifestyle”?

I just don’t get it. If there is something I am missing, please feel free to respond.

Otherwise, it seems it is time to put some people on city council who have some common sense.  And for the record, Councilman Mike Loftus has pushed for this plan for several years and could never get any support from fellow council members.

No Parking at the Marina

No parking at marina

No parking at marina 2

The above photos were taken on 41st Avenue just across the street from the marina.  The first picture shows an area designated No Parking by legal signs.  Someone has accentuated this with crime scene tape.  (Just further showcasing the beautiful, upscale island we call home!)

The second photo covers the area from when you leave the marina parking lot until you get to the no parking zone.  Someone has put some sticks in the ground and strung a rope between them to keep people from parking there.  And as far as I can tell it is working!

Of course, this is against the law, but again, is a law that is not enforced really a law?

One take away from this is a very simple and cheap solution to the gridlock on Palm Blvd…!

Who’s with me?!

Parking Lots

City Lot

County Lot

Would you rather park in the first lot above or the one below it?  Yeah, me too!

Of course, the first lot is operated by the City of IOP and the second lot is operated by Charleston County Parks and Recreation.

I walked through both lots at 10 am, Sunday, June 14, 2015.  The difference between the 2 lots was like nothing I could have imagined.

I counted 49 pieces of trash in the city lot and 2 pieces of trash in the county lot. 

County Lot worker

The above photo was taken in the county lot.  What do you notice?  A young man nicely dressed.  Look closely at his right hand.  He has a walkie talkie to coordinate parking.  The county lot had 5 employees on duty.

Not quite the same story at the city lot.  I saw one middle aged woman sitting in the box wearing a tank top and sporting a large tatoo on her right arm.  I have decided not to post a photo of this.  Nothing says welcome to an upscale, beautiful beach community quite like this…

So, if you are coming to visit the beach, would you pay to park in the dirty city lot or go down the road several blocks and park for free?  The contract for management of the city lot was renewed several years ago.  I hope to comment on that in a future post.